Percakapan bahasa inggris tentang hobisungguh sangat menarik sekali bagi para siswa karena setiap orang memiliki kesenangan tersendiri dan sangat bangga jika bisa ditunjukkan dan diceritakan kepada orang lain. Hobi sangat beragam setiap orang dan hampir setiap orang memiliki hobi yang unik dan berbeda. Dalam percakapan bahasa inggris tentang hobi dalam kelas terangkum hobi-hobi para siswa diantaranya ada yang suka bermain bola, ada yang gemar memainkan biola, lalu ada yang gemar mengoleksi uang dari berbagai negara dan ada juga yang hobi memasak berbagai makanan Indonesia dan mancanegera.
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi Tell Me About Your Hobbies
Teacher : Class, you all must have known what hobby is. Yes, hobby is some kind of activity that we like to do in particular time or circumstance, for example in our leisure times. Each of you must have different hobbies. You can do your hobbies all the time as long as it doesn’t bother your studying times or harm others. Would you tell me what your hobbies are, Class? How about you first, Ricky?
Ricky : Um… yes Ma’am, my hobby is playing football. I always feel happy when I start playing football with my friends.
Teacher : Playing football is a good hobby. Playing football can make your body healthy. Good hobby, Ricky, just don’t forget your time to study! Okay…. Now… What about you, Tania? What’s your hobby?
Tania : Yes, Ma’am. My hobby is playing violin.
Teacher : Wow, how good are you at playing violin, Tania?
Rahmat : [Suddenly interrupts] She plays violin terrifically, Ma’am. I heard and watched her playing with her violin once, and it was awesome, the sound was really melodious.
Tania : No, Ma’am, Rahmat is exaggerating. [blushing]
Teacher : Hahaha. It looks like we have a violinist in our class. It’s okay, Tania. You don’t have to be shy, you should be proud of it. So, what about your hobby, Rahmat?
Rahmat : Um… me, Ma’am? Um… my hobby is collecting currencies.
Teacher: Collecting currencies?
Rahmat : Yes, Ma’am. I like to collect currencies of every nation. I like to collect coins, tokens, and paper moneys. There have been some collections of coins, tokens, and paper moneys from several nations I keep in my bedroom. I’m still trying to collect them.
Teacher : Wow, that is a quite unique hobby, Rahmat. How and where did you get the money?
Rahmat : Some of them I got from people freely and for some others I needed to pay for them. I usually have to buy them from internet. I used my savings to buy them since most currencies were sold quite expensive.
Teacher : That’s a great hobby, Rahmat. But just remember; do not spend all of your money in order to add your currency collections. Use your own money wisely.
Rahmat : Yes, Ma’am.
Teacher : And…. How about you, Paula?
Paula : Yes, Ma’am. Um…. My hobby is cooking.
Teacher : Wow, cooking. What kind of food you can cook, Paula?
Paula : I can make some Indonesian foods and western foods like pastas and pizzas.
Teacher : Wow, that’s good. Who taught you to cook, Paula?
Paula : It’s my mother, Ma’am. She is a chef.
Teacher : Oh, wow. Now we have a young chef in our class. But don’t forget to keep studying for your education, Paula.
Paula : Yes, of course, Ma’am.
Teacher : Alright, I’d love to know all of your hobbies, Class. So prepare a sheet of paper and start writing down and tell me about your hobbies.
Glossaries (kosa kata) Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Hobi
Class: Panggilan guru terhadap semua anak muridnya
Must have known: pasti sudah tahu
Particular time or circumstance: waktu atau situasi tertentu
Leisure times: waktu luang
All the time: sepanjang waktu
As long as: selama, asalkan
Bother: menganggu
Studying times: waktu-waktu belajar
Harm: merugikan, menyakiti
Violin: biola
How good are you at…? : seberapa bagus/hebat kamu dalam…?
Interrupt: memotong/menyelak pembicaraan
Terrifically: dengan luar biasa
Awesome: luar biasa, hebat
Melodious: merdu
Exaggerating: melebih-lebihkan
Blushing: wajah berubah merah karena malu
Violinist: pemain biola
Shy: malu
Proud of it: bangga akan hal itu
Collecting currencies: mengumpulkan uang (uang kertas, koin, dsb)
Token: sejenis uang koin
Paper money: uang kertas
There have been: sudah ada..
Several: beberapa
Freely: dengan gratis, Cuma-Cuma
Savings: uang tabungan
Wisely: dengan bijak
Taught (VII dari Teach): mengajarakan
Chef: koki
Education: pendidikan
Prepare: menyiapkan
A sheet of paper: selembar kertas