Percakapan bahasa inggris di hotel antara tamu dan resepsionis ini merupakan hal yang lumrah dan rutin terjadi di hotel. Pak sutomo dan Istrinya sedang mencari hotel tempat menghinap mereka. Akhirnya mereka memutuskan menginap di hotel Nyiur Hijau bahkan hingga 3 hari karena melihat penawaran tarif yang murah. Mereka memilih kamar deluxe dengan fasilitas kamar yang luar biasa ada internet WIFI, televisi plasma, safety box dan telepon.
Contoh Percakapan bahasa inggris di hotel
Mr. Sutomo: Good Morning.
Receptionist: Good morning, Sir. Welcome to Nyiur Hijau Hotel. May I help you?
Mr. Sutomo: Um… I and my wife would like to reserve a room. Do you have any empty room for us?
Receptionist: Um… (checking) we have some rooms available. We have standard and deluxe room available for you and your wife. Which one will be your choice, Sir?
Mr. Sutomo: Hey, Dear. Which one would you like to be our room? Standard or deluxe one?
Mrs. Sutomo: Um… What about the deluxe one?
Mr. Sutomo: Excuse me, how much should I pay for every room?
Receptionist: Well, the price for the Standard room is Rp80.000 per night and for the Deluxe one is Rp150.000 per night.
Mr. Sutomo: Alright, I think I will stay in the deluxe room.
Receptionist: How long will you stay with us, Sir?
Mr. Sutomo: I think I will stay for 3 days.
Receptionist: Yes, the deluxe room will be still available for the next 3 days. Please fill in this reservation form, Sir.
Mr. Sutomo: Okay.
(After filling the form)
Mr. Sutomo: Here you are (giving the form)
Receptionist: Thank you, Sir. How will you pay for your room?
Mr. Sutomo: I will pay for it by cash.
Receptionist: Could I have the payment for the room now, Sir? The total is Rp 450.000
Mr. Sutomo: Okay, here you are.
Receptionist: Very well (counting the money). Mr. Sutomo, Your room will be in number 203. Here is your key. Let our bellboy escort you to your room. Thank you and enjoy your stay with us.
Mr. Sutomo: Alright, you’re welcome.
Bellboy : Very well, Sir. Let me bring your belongings into your room.
Mr. Sutomo: Okay, thank you.
(The bellboy escorting Mr. and Mrs. Sutomo to their room)
Bellboy : Here is your room, Sir and Ma’am.
Mrs. Sutomo: Whoa, the room is quite big, Dear! It seems comfortable too.
Mr. Sutomo: Yes, Dear.
Bellboy : Um… excuse me, Sir and Ma’am, would you like me to explain your room facilities?
Mrs. Sutomo: Alright, Yes, please.
Bellboy : Well, you have a plasma television in here. This is the remote control of Air Conditioner. You can also use the fridge here. This room is also featured with Wi-Fi connection for your internet needs. There is a safety box here that you can use to put your money or other valuable things you may want to keep. To use this safety box you can read the manual book here. You also have two big windows here that will bring your eyes right into the ocean view. In the bathroom, we also have prepared anything you need. That’s all, if you come across into questions, you can call us right by using the phone. Anything else you need to know, Sir and Ma’am?
Mrs. Sutomo: No, thank you.
Mr. Sutomo: That would be enough, Thank you.
Bellboy : You’re welcome and have a nice stay with us.
Glossaries (kosa kata) Percakapan Bahasa Inggris
Reserve: memesan
Available: tersedia (kamar kosong)
Standard room: Kamar standar
Deluxe room: Kamar mewah
Reservation form: formulir pemesanan kamar
By cash: dengan uang tunai
Payment: pembayaran
Escort: mengantarkan
Belongings: barang-barang bawaan
Air conditioner: Pendingin ruangan
Featured: dilengkapi
Fridge: Kulkas
Needs: kebutuhan
Safety box: kotak keamanan untuk menyimpan barang berharga
Valuable things: barang berharga
Manual book: buku panduan manual
Come across into: mendapati, menemukan
Anda bisa mempelajari percakapan bahasa inggris di hotel ini hingga mahir sehingga jika suatu ketika Anda bepergian ke luar negeri Anda akan mendapatkan kemudahan ketika harus menghinap di hotel.
Ada ngga buku panduan untuk menjadi receptionist agar bicara inggrisnya lancar?
so good so far
so good so far