contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang lingkungan dan artinya

Materi pidato bahasa inggris tentang lingkungan juga sangat penting untuk diangkat. saat ini kerusakan lingkungan akibat ulah manusia & bencana yang muncul pada akhirnya merugikan manusia sendiri.
pidato bahasa inggris tentang lingkungan

Teks Lengkap Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Lingkungan

Topic : Environment
Script : Ahmad Manan
Grade : SMP/SMA/University

Assalamu ‘alaikum wr. Wb
Good Afternoon,

Honorable all the juries and the committee of this English speech contest.
First of all, let’s thank to Allah SWT who has given us many mercies and blessing so we
can join this program without any troubles. Secondly, I would like to introduce myself.
My name is ……. I am a student of …..

Well, ladies and gentlemen, in this occasion I would like to tell you about environment.
Environment is everything around us. Environment consists of two main parts which are
biotic and a biotic environment. Biotic environment is everything around us which are
live, for example plants, animals and human beings. While a biotic environment is
everything around us which are not live, for example stone, water, wind, land and etc.
We must protect our environment as good as possible because it can influence our live.
As we know that Indonesia has many tropical forests and it is a source of nature which
can help people live peacefully. So as human being we should preserve the forest.

There are some efforts which should be done by all people:
1. Not cutting down the trees in the forest
2. Planting any kinds of trees in the barren area of the forest

Cutting down the trees in the forest can cause many disasters for human beings. Of
course it can cause flood because the rain water can’t be absorbed by the root of plants so
the water flows directly to the ground. There are many damage caused by the flood,
many people being homeless because of flood, the flood kill many kinds of pet, many
factories can’t produce anything, transportation can’t run well because the bridge is
broken and so on. How horrified the flood is…!!

Actually, the disasters above can be minimized if all of human beings can preserve our
environment and we must pay more attention to the environment whenever and
wherever. We must not throw away rubbish anywhere which can disturb the flowing of
the river water. We should plant any kinds of trees in the barren area or in side of the

By doing those simple efforts, it means we have participated in the preservation of our
I think that’s all and thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamu ‘alaikum wr. Wb

untuk terjemahan bahasa indonesia dari teks pidato bahasa inggris tentang lingkungan bisa menggunakan aplikasi translate inggris indonesia & tentunya tetap perlu adanya editing sekalian juga belajar menerjemahkan 🙂

49 thoughts on “contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang lingkungan dan artinya”

  1. ‘I am thank you very much…….
    thank youuuuu………’

    Makasih atas semua pidato yang anda berikan, karena dengan ini saya dapat berpidato dengan kata-kata yang steril…

    thank’s ya………..

  2. makasih yah atas pidatox…moga nti d’bulan april mendatang saya bisa membacakan teks pidato ini dg lancar…Aminn, 🙂

  3. Good_good posting……
    I like it!!! Thank U….because U’re posting I can be finished my homework!!!
    specially about speech..

  4. thank youu very much ..!!:)
    smgaa dgn pidato ini saya bisa mengikuti ULANGAN ‘PRAKTEK BHS.INGGRIS’ ,,!!!

    THANK YOU ?:)


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