Cerita Rakyat Jaka Tarub dan 7 Bidadari dalam Bahasa Inggris

Cerita rakyat jaka tarub dan 7 bidadari dalam bahasa inggrisCerita rakyat adalah cerita pada masa lampau yang menjadi ciri khas setiap bangsa yang memiliki kultur budaya yang beraneka ragam mencakup kekayaan budaya dan sejarah yang dimiliki masing-masing bangsa. Roro Jonggrang, Cerita Timun Mas, Si Pitung, Legenda Danau Toba, dan Cerita rakyat jaka tarub dan 7 bidadari dalam bahasa inggris merupakan sederetan cerita rakyat yang ada di Indonesia. Masih banyak sederetan cerita rakyat yang memang diperuntukkan bagi anak-anak. cerita rakyat jaka tarub dan 7 bidadari dalam bahasa inggris dapat menjadi media promosi budaya Indonesia di dunia internasional melalui sebuah cerita yang kaya akan unsur budaya dan juga pesan oral. Berikut adalah salah satu cerita rakyat terkenal Indonesia dengan judul Cerita Rakyat Jaka Tarub dan 7 Bidadari dalam bahasa inggris.

Teks Cerita Rakyat Jaka Tarub Dan 7 Bidadari Dalam Bahasa Inggris


Once upon a time there was a widow who lived in the village of Dadapan.  She had a son whose name was Jaka Tarub.  Dadapan village was close to a wood so Jaka Tarub liked to go to the wood.  He liked hunting for animals with his blowpipe.

One day when he was in the wood he saw a beautiful rainbow and he saw seven angels went down through it.  He came closer and searched for them.  The seven angels were swimming and taking a bath in a lake.  Jaka Tarub looked at them while hiding behind trees.  When they had finished taking a bath, they flew through the rainbow to heaven.

The next day he saw the same thing again.  This time Jaka Tarub had an idea.  He searched for their dress and when he found them he took one of them.  As they had finished swimming and taking a bath, they looked for their dress.  One of them could not find her dress.  Her friends had to come back to heaven so they left her.  She was crying while staying in the water.  Jaka Tarub approached her.

‘Why are you crying lady?’

‘I lose my dress so I cannot go home’

‘Where is your home?’

‘I live in heaven.  I’m an angel.  My name is Nawang Wulan.  But I lose my dress so I cannot fly anymore’

‘I you don’t mind I will take my mother’s dress for you’

‘OK, please do’

‘Wait for me here, I’ll be back’

Then Jaka Tarub went home to take her mother’s dress and gave it to Nawang Wulan.  He asked her to stay at her house with his mother.  Not long after that Jaka Tarub married Nawang Wulan.

As an angel Nawang Wulan had spiritual power.  She had ability which far above human being.  She could cook rice with just a bar of rice and when it had done the bowl will be full of rice.  But there was one condition.  The bowl must not be opened before it has done.  Jaka Tarub was very surprised with her wife’s ability. He was very curious about it.  So when Nawang Wulan was away he opened the bowl.  Consequently Nawang’s spiritual power disappeared.  She had to cook as ordinary human being.

Several months later Nawang Wulan gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.  Her name was Nawang Sih.  The birth of Nawang Sih added happiness to Jaka Tarub and Nawang Wulan.

Since Nawang Wulan could not cook efficiently anymore, she needed more rice than usual.  The stock of rice in their store room diminished rapidly.  Then one day when she took rice there she was very surprised.  Nawang Wulan found her angel dress.  It was hidden there under piles of rice.  She immediately wore it and talked to Jaka Tarub.

‘My dear husband, now I know what you did to me’

‘Forgive me, my dear.  I admit that I did this because I love you’

‘I love you too.  But now I find my dress.  I must come back to heaven.  I am an angel.  My place is not here.  I have to go now’.

‘How about Nawang Sih?  She needs you’‘I will leave her but don’t worry.  I will take care of her.  Anytime she needs me I will be here.  For that purpose please build a tower. When Nawang Sih cries put her there then call my name. I will come immediately.  But I will be invisible to you.  Good bye dear’

Then Jaka Tarub built a tower behind his house.  Every time Nawang Sih cried he would put her there.  Nawang Wulan would come and take care of Nawang Sih.

Hikmah Cerita Rakyat Jaka Tarub dan 7 Bidadari dalam Bahasa Inggris

Legenda atau cerita jaka tarub dalam bahasa inggris di atas menceritakan tentang ulah Jaka Tarub yang ingin memiliki istri secantik bidadari dengan cara mencuri selendang salah satu bidadari tersebut, sehingga ia tidak bisa pulang ke kahyangan. Akan tetapi, pada akhirnya sang bidadari yang telah menikah dengan Jaka Tarub tersebut menemukan selendangnya dan memutuskan untuk kembali. Jaka Tarub pun sangat sedih karena ditinggalkan oleh istrinya, namun ia akan tetap kembali hanya untuk merawat anak mereka. Pesan moral dari kisah atau cerita jaka tarub dan 7 bidadari dalam bahasa inggris ini adalah jika kita mengingingkan sesuatu sebaiknya dengan cara yang baik dan halal. Kita tidak boleh mengambil hak atau harta miliki orang lain karena suatu saat kita akan memdapat hukuman.

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