Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Perpisahan Sekolah

Pidato bahasa inggris tentang perpisahan sekolah dalam sambutan yang disampaikan salah satu wakil siswa di acara perpisahan kelas enam SD setelah kelulusan diumumkan beberapa hari lalu.

Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Perpisahan Sekolah

A Valedictory Speech from a Sixth Grader


Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
pidato bahasa inggris tentang perpisahan sekolah
Robi shohri sodri wayasrli amri wahlul udata milisami jab kobu kauri
With all due the respect to the honorable Mr. Principal, to the honorable Mr. and Mrs. Teachers, to the honorable students’ parents, and to all my dearest friends and companions.
First of all, let’s say our praise and gratitude to Allah Swt, due to His illimitable grace and blessings upon us so that we can make it here today. Salawat and Salam may always be upon the greatest prophet, Prophet Muhammad SAW.
I would like to say my gratitude to all the audience attending here for making the time on this farewell ceremony of sixth graders.
To all the honorable audience,
Please, allow me to introduce myself before all of you, my name is Andry Yulianto, and allow me to deliver a speech regarding the farewell ceremony for sixth graders on this good occasion. With everything in our heart, I and all of my friends would love to say great thanks to all of our Mr. and Mrs. Teachers in this school who have taught, leaded, and guided us for all this 6 years.
We would like to say our deepest apologies to all of our teachers for all the deeds and behaviors that don’t deign in each of your hearts for all this 6 years past. We also would like to ask for the blessings and prayers in order to continue our education to Middle School and we hope that we could enter the best Middle School in this city of Bogor. And to all of our dearest younger brothers and sisters from lower grade, I tell you to always be more and more diligent in studying, and reaching for your highest dreams and goals.
I think that’s all I could say. Hereby, I put an end to my speech. Please forgive me for all my mistakes I made on my words. Thank you for the best attention.

Bilahitofik Wal-idayah Wassalam mualaikum wr.wb.

Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang Perpisahan Sekolah – Pidato Perpisahan Kelas 6 SD

Membaca Basmalah

Assalamualaikum. wr. wb

Robi shohri sodri wayasrli amri wahlul udata milisami jab kobu kauri

Yth bapak Kepala Sekolah, Yth bapak, ibu guru, Yth orang tua murid, dan Ytc teman-temanku sekalian. Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan puji sukur kehadirat Allah swt. Karena dengan Rahmatnya kita dapat berkumpul di sini. Tak lupa salawat dan salam kita curahkan kepada nabi besar Muhammad SAW. Terima kasih kepada para hadirin yang telah hadir di ruangan ini yang telah meluangkan waktu diacara perpisahan kelas 6.

Hadirin yang saya hormati ijinkan saya memperkenalkan diri, nama saya Andry Yuliyanto, Izinkan saya berpidato tentang perpisahan kelas 6. Saya dan teman teman mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Bapak dan Ibu guru yang telah mengajar kami selama 6 tahun. Kami memohon maaf kepada Bapak dan Ibu guru atas tindakan dan tingkah laku kami yang tidak berkenan di hati Bapak dan Ibu guru selama 6 tahun ini. Kami juga meminta doa restu untuk melanjutkan kejenjang SMP dan semoga kami mendapatkan SMP terfavorit di kota Bogor ini. Kami kelas 6 berpesan kepada adik-adik kelas kami agar semakin giat belajar, dan railah cita-cita kalian setinggi mungkin .

Sekian pidato saya bila ada kesalahan mohon dimaafkan.

Bilahitofik Wal-idayah.

Wassalam mualaikum wr.wb.

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