Contoh dialog bahasa inggris antara orang tua dengan anak ini cukup menarik karena menceritakan sebuah kisah realita disekitar kita. Dalam dialog bahasa inggris sang ayah dan Ibu bertanya kepada Faris yang pulang dini hari. Diketahui ternyata Faris keluar rumah dan melakukan balapan menggunakan sepeda motornya yang tentunya merupakan kegiatan buruk yang membuat orang tua khawatir.
Contoh Dialog Orang Tua dalam Bahasa Inggris (Parent Conversation) – I Am Sorry, Mom, Dad
Father : Now, I wish you can explain it very clearly why you came home at this hour? Don’t you know what time is it now?! It is 3 AM. And you have been out since this afternoon! [Father talking to his son in high voice]
Mother : Please, calm down for a moment, Dear. Let Faris come with his answer. Now, please Faris answer your father’s question!
Faris : I was just playing around with my friends, Father. I forgot the time so I came home late. Why are you taking it so serious?
Father : What did you say?! Why am I taking it so serious?! You left the house with your motorcycle, didn’t you?!
Mother : Hold yourself, Dear!
Faris : Um… I just.. I just went out with my motorcycle so that I could go home easily if I had no ride to go home.
Father : Is that your true answer?!
Faris : Yes….
Father : Are you telling everything about the motorcycle?!
Faris : Yes. I am not telling a lie.
Father : Fine… Now, what would you say if I say that there was one of our neighbors saw you and your friends racing with motorcycles on a highway tonight?
Mother : Oh my… Is that true, Dear? You came home at this hour just because you raced with your friends using motorcycles on the road? Oh My God, Faris. Don’t you know that it is really dangerous? You… you can have some terrible accident on the race! (Mother sheds tears after knowing her son’s misbehavior)
Father : Look what you have done to your mother! You were making us so much worried about you! Don’t you ever think how we feel if something bad happen to you?!
Faris : Uhh… mother… I am very sorry…. (Faris finally feels sorry for his wrongdoing)
Father : Now, have you realized your wrongdoing?
Faris : Yes… I am sorry Mother, Father. I didn’t mean to make you all so worried. I didn’t realize that it was really dangerous for me. All I think was just having fun. Please, forgive me….
Father : Now you have apologized. Will you make a promise to not to do it all over again?
Faris : Yes, Father. I promise that I will never do it again. I will not make you two so much worried about me again.
Father : Alright, Son. I hold your words. We all really know you as a nice and obedient child. We love you.
Mother : We really love you, Dear. Please don’t do that again.
Faris : I won’t Father, Mother. Thank you for opening my eyes.
Glossaries (kosa kata) Contoh Dialog Orang Tua dalam Bahasa Inggris Parent Conversation
Clearly = dengan jelas
You have been out = kamu sudah keluar (dari rumah)
Please, calm down for a moment = Tolong, tenanglah sebentar
Come with his answers = mengatakan jawabannya
Take (something) so serious = menanggapi (sesuatu) dengan sangat serius
Hold your self! = tenangkan dirimu!
Ride = tumpangan, kendaraan
Tell a lie = berbohong, berkata bohong
One of our neighbors = salah satu dari tetangga kami
Race with motorcycle = balapan dengan sepeda motor
Highway = jalan besar
Shed tears = meneteskan air mata
Misbehavior = perilaku buruk
Feel sorry = menyesal
Wrongdoing = perbuatan salah
Realize = menyadari, sadar akan
Forgive me = maafkan, ampuni aku
Apologize = meminta maaf
Do it all over again = melakukannya lagi
I hold your words = Saya pegang kata-kata kamu
Obedient = penurut, patuh
Thank you for opening my eyes = terimakasih sudah membuka mata saya/menyadarkan saya