Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Liburan


Benar-benar singkat, begitulah inti dari percakapan bahasa inggris tentang liburan yang mereka bahas tanpa gairah karena sekolah harus dimulai lagi. Tapi liburan tetaplah berkesan dan layak untuk diceritakan kepada teman. Sebagaimana diceritakan dalam percakapan bahasa inggris tentang liburan, Yudi memulai liburan di kampung halaman dengan mengunjungi tempat-teman menarik di daerahnya seperti Ngarai Sianok, goa jepang dan Danau Singkarak. Sedangkan Tia juga pulang ke kampung halamannya di Jogjakarta, sekaligus menikmati liburan dengan mengunjugi tempat wisata terdekat seperti jalan Malioboro dan Borobudur. Berbeda dengan Siti, dia tidak kemana-mana hanya di rumah membantu orang tua bekerja di toko roti mereka tetapi orang tua Siti berjanji liburan berikutnya mereka akan pergi ke Bali.

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Liburan : Where Did You Spend Your Holidays?

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Liburan

Yudi : [sigh] Why did holidays end so fast? I was even really enjoying my holidays. I need more holidays. One more week should be enough.
Tia : Yeah, I know how you feel, Yudi. School should have not started out this early. Now we have to get back to our day-to-day routine. I don’t even have my passion of studying after all this short holidays.
Siti : Ha ha ha. Come on, Guys! I know it must be really hard for us to leave our beautiful holidays behind. But we all know that ready or not holidays have to be over.
Tia : [Sigh] Alright, but I really wish that we can have more days left before school. So, where did you spend your holidays, Yudi?
Yudi : You want to hear the story of my holidays? Alright, I spent my holidays at my mother’s hometown in Padang.
Siti : Wow, did you visit to any interesting places there?
Yudi : Of course! I went to some nice places there with my family, and the best places I visited were Sianok Canyon, Japanese Cave, and Singkarak Lake. Have you ever heard the names of those places?
Tia : Um…. Nope.
Siti : I watched Sianok Canyon once on TV, it seemed to be a great canyon.
Yudi : You’re right! Sianok Canyon was really great and extremely high. The view from up above the canyon was tremendous. It’s really beautiful. I wish I could go there with my wife in the future, hee hee hee. Singkarak lake was also beautiful. While I visited the lake, we met and played with many monkeys that lived around the forest near the lake.
Tia : What about the Japanese Cave? It sounds cool.
Yudi : The Japanese Cave was located near the Sianok Canyon. Just like its name, this cave was an historical legacy of Japanese people that was used as a defense base during World War II. Um…. And you, where did you spend your holidays, Tia?
Tia : I went to my father’s hometown in Jogjakarta. There I visited many interesting places, and one of them was Malioboro Street. Malioboro Street was one of my favorite spot in Jogjakarta. I bought things with low price there as long as you are good at haggling over the prices. I went to Magelang as well. I visited Borobudur, it was an awesome trip. So, where did you spend your holidays, Siti?
Siti : Actually, I didn’t go to any cool places out of the town like you all did. My parents were too busy working on our bakery shop.
Tia : Awwh… that’s too bad. I hope you didn’t feel sad for that.
Yudi : It’s okay, Tia. We still have next semester holidays, right? Maybe your parents would have time for you on the next holidays.
Siti : It’s alright, Guys. I didn’t feel disappointed at all for that. I was even really happy I could help my parents to work on our bakery shop. Plus, on the next holidays, they promised me that we could go to Bali.
Yudi : Whoa, that’s cool!
Tia : I’m glad to hear that!

Glossaries (kosa kata) Percakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Liburan

Holidays: hari liburan
Start out: memulai
Day-to-day: hari ke hari, (dilakukan setiap hari)
Routine: rutinitas
Passion: hasrat, keinginan
(to be) Over: berakhir
Hometown: kampung halaman
Interesting places: tempat menarik
Sianok Canyon: Ngarai Sianok
Japanese Cave: Gua Jepang
Singkarak Lake: Danau Singkarak
Extremely high: sangat tinggi
View: pemandangan
Tremendous: luar biasa, dahsyat
Forest: hutan
It sounds cool: itu kedengarannya hebat
(to be) located: berlokasi, bertempat
Historical legacy: warisan sejarah
Defense base: tempat/pangkalan pertahanan
World War II: Perang Dunia II
Spot: tempat
As long as: selama, asalkan
Haggle over the prices: menawar harga
As well: juga
Trip: perjalanan
Out of the town: di luar kota
Bakery shop: toko roti
Disappointed: kecewa
At all: sama sekali
Glad to hear that: Senang mendengarnya

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