Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Pasar


Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Pasar antara Ibu Ratna dan penjual ini hanyalah contoh saja. Karena jika di Indonesa sangat jarang sekali penjual di pasar bisa berbahasa Inggris. Tetapi contoh percakapan di pasar ini sangat penting, barangkali Anda bepergian ke luar negeri dan harus berbelanja sendiri ke pasar. Tentu Anda dituntut untuk bisa menguasai percakapan bahasa inggris di Pasar.

Dalam percakapan bahasa inggris di pasar ini, Ibu Ratna memiliki alasan sendiri mengapa, dia lebih memilih berbelanja di pasar dibandingkan ke supermarket. Di pasar kita bisa menemukan lebih lengkap dan banyak pilihan dibandingkan di supermarket. Tetapi berbelanja dipasar tetap harus cerdas, mau memeriksa sendiri kesegaran dari setiap barang yang dibeli terutama sayuran, buah-buahan dan daging.

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Pasar

[Mrs. Ratna and his little daughter, Amelia is going to a traditional market]
Amelia : Um Mommy, why are we going to a traditional market? Why don’t we go to a supermarket? Supermarket sells vegetables and fruits too, right?
Mrs. Ratna: That’s right, my dear. But supermarket generally doesn’t give us too many foodstuffs to choose. Traditional market is much more complete than supermarket.
Amelia : But it’s hot, smelly, muddy, and dirty in here compared to the supermarket that’s clean and cool.
Mrs. Ratna: This is what is called the real shopping at the market. When I was at your age, I always came with Grandma to go shopping at a traditional market.
Amelia : Really?
Mrs. Ratna: Yeah. Now let’s go to that green-grocery stall first.
Amelia : Yes, Mom [smiling]
[At green-grocery stall]
Seller : Good morning, Ma’am. Do you need something?
Mrs. Ratna: Yes, I need a cabbage, half a kilogram of carrots and potatoes, and some leeks.
Seller : Um… let me see. Here you are, Ma’am. Do you need anything else?
Mrs. Ratna: I think that’s all
Seller : So…. these all cost Rp. 20,000.
Mrs. Ratna: Here you are.
Seller : Here is your change, Ma’am. Thank you and come again.
Mrs. Ratna: You’re welcome.

Amelia : Now what else to buy, Mom?
Mrs. Ratna: We need meat. Let’s go to butcher stall.
[At butcher stall]
Mrs. Ratna: Hey, good morning, Mr. Joko!
Mr. Joko: Oh, good morning, Mrs. Ratna! Are you going to buy meat?
Mrs. Ratna: Yes, I need half a kg of meat. I need tenderloin. Is every meat sold here really fresh?
Mr. Joko: Of course! I always sell fresh meats that I get directly from supplier every single day. Are you afraid I’m selling gelonggongan meat? Don’t be worried. You can see my meats are all hung up. This is a proof that I’m not selling such a gelonggongan meat. If it’s a gelonggongan meat, there will be water drops falling from the meat. And if you touch or squeeze the meat, it’s dry, rubbery, and coming with fresh blood color.
Mrs. Ratna: [smiling] Alright, I trust you that these meats are really fresh.
Mr. Joko: Alright then. You want me to chop the meat or you do it yourself?
Mrs. Ratna: It’s okay. I will chop the meat myself.
Mr. Joko: Alright, here you are. The price for the meat is Rp 35,000.
Mrs. Ratna: Here you are. Thank you, Mr. Joko.
Mr. Joko: You’re welcome

Mrs. Ratna: One lesson for you, Dear. If you’re going to shop at market like this, you have to check the freshness of anything you’re going to buy first.
Amelia : Alright, Mom!
Mrs. Ratna: By the way, do you know what I’m going to cook?
Amelia: Um…. Meat, carrots, cabbage, potatoes…. You’re going to cook vegetable soup!
Mrs. Ratna: Smart girl!
Amelia : Yum… I like it!

Glossaries (kosa kata) Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Pasar

Foodstuff: bahan makanan
Smelly: berbau tidak enak
Muddy: becek berlumpur
Compared to: dibandingkan dengan
Green-grocery stall: kios yang menjual sayur-mayur
Cabbage: kubis, kol
Leek: daun bawang
These all cost Rp. 20,000: semua seharga Rp 20,000
Change: uang kembalian
Butcher stall: kios penjual daging sapi
Tenderloin: daging sapi bagian pinggang yang lunak
Hung up: digantung
Rubbery: kenyal
Trust: percaya
Chop: memotong-motong
Freshness: kesegaran

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