Percakapan telepon bahasa inggris antara Anji dan Ridwan sebagai sahabat di sekolahnya cukup mudah dipahami. Anji menanyakan kabar Ridwan yang sebelumnya masuk rumah sakit tetapi Anji tidak sempat menjenguknya. Percakapan telepon dalam bahasa inggris ini menceritakan kronologis kenapa Ridwan sakit dan harus di rawat di rumah sakit. Sebagai sahabat Anji tentu mengkhawatirkan keadaan Ridwan sehingga di akhir percakapan telepon bahasa inggris ini Anji berencana menemui Ridwan.
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Contoh Percakapan Telepon dalam Bahas Inggris
Anji : Hello, good morning. Can I speak to Ridwan?
Mrs. Ira : I’m sorry, may I know who is in on the other end? I am Mrs. Ira, Ridwan’s mother
Anji : Oh, I’m sorry, Auntie. My name is Anji. I am Ridwan’s classmate.
Mrs. Ita : Oh, you are Ridwan’s classmate. Um, it seems that Ridwan is in his room upstairs. Would you wait for sometime while I get him?
Anji : That’d be okay, Auntie.
Mrs. Ita : Huh? That’s him. It seems he’s coming down from his room. A second please, I’ll get Ridwan for you.
Anji : Yes, thank you, Auntie.
Mrs. Ita : Ridwan! It’s your classmate Anji on the phone.
Ridwan : Alright, I’ll get it, Mom. Thanks. Hello… Hey, Anji, is it you?
Anji : Oh, hello there, Ridwan. It’s good to hear your voice again.
Ridwan : Hahaha it sounds you really miss me around.
Anji : Yeah, Bro. By the way, I heard that you were hospitalized. I’m so sorry, Buddy. I could not be there to see your condition. I was not in town. What made you get hospitalized anyway, Rid?
Ridwan : its okay, Buddy. I’m so healthy now. I just had a minor accident when I was riding my motorcycle on the road that day.
Anji : What happened, Rid? You got crash?
Ridwan : Um, no, I think it wasn’t a crash. That day was raining and the road seemed quite slippery. I was careless, I forced my motorcycle to the high speed and then when I found some other motorcycle riders suddenly passed by in front of me from other way, all of a sudden I wasn’t able to control my motorcycle in order to avoid running over them and I ended up running against the sidewalk.
Anji : Oh, Man! You should have been more careful, fortunately you didn’t get a fatal crash. So, people in there must have taken you into the hospital then?
Ridwan : No, I just had some scratches then I got up and rode my motorcycle home.
Anji : Wh..what?! Didn’t you get hospitalized from that accident?
Ridwan : Ahahaha my story really tricked you! I didn’t get hospitalized from that accident, Buddy. I was hospitalized because of typhus.
Anji : So, you’re telling me that your motorcycle accident had nothing to do with your hospitalization?
Ridwan : Yes, Buddy. [laughs]
Anji : Oh, Man! You really got me with that story. [deeply sighs]
Ridwan : Ahahaha. Because of that typhus, I had to be hospitalized for three days.
Anji : Haha, okay. It’s good to have you back. Are you home at 10 AM tomorrow by the way? I’d like to come over.
Ridwan : Alright, I’m free all day tomorrow.
Anji : Good! Okay, don’t miss me, I’ll be there tomorrow. Good bye, Buddy.
Ridwan: Haha, okay, Good bye.
Glossaries (kosa kata) Percakapan Telepon Bahasa Inggris
Who is in other hand?: Siapa yang menelepon?
That’d be okay: Baiklah, tidak apa-apa
Buddy: Teman, Sobat
Bro (Brother): Kata sapaan akrab
Hospitalized: Dirawat di rumah sakit
Not in town: Sedang keluar kota
Minor accident: kecelakaan kecil
Crash: kecelakaan (tabrakan)
Slippery: licin
All of a sudden/suddenly: tiba-tiba
I wasn’t able to control… : tidak mampu mengendalikan
Running over/ running against: menabrak
Sidewalk: trotoar pejalan kaki
Fortunately: Untung saja
Scratches: luka gores
Rode (VII dari Ride): mengendarai
Typhus: penyakit tifus
(have) nothing to do with.. : tidak ada hubungannya dengan
Hospitalization: Rawat inap di rumah sakit
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